Friday, July 30, 2010

Some Real Progress! (7-30-2010)

We finally got some real progress! It's exciting to see anything resembling a 'home' starting to take shape!

We pulled up to the lot to see this:

Got a little closer to see all the progress that was made in the last 2 days. On Wednesday, we didn't even have the yard staked out for the excavator yet.


Below you can see the size of the sunken walk-out patio. It is the rectangular shaped area with the forms sitting in the middle. The little jog on the left side the jets out from the rectangle is the area where the stairs will go. It's a huge walkout patio!!!

Look at Sarah's shadow, you can see how the west sun will hit the house. The deck wil be nearly 100% shaded in the evenings by the overhang and the master bedroom!

The hole must have been dug yesterday, since the footings were poured early this afternoon. I'll be back Monday afternoon again to see if any more progress has been made! As always, stay tuned and leave comments, we love to read them!


  1. Look at all that dirt - is it good garden dirt you think? Or clay? I assume they'll use that for backfilling so it would be nice to have a good idea of what you'll be dealing with later on.

  2. Joan, lots of clay dirt in KS. Its a nightmare for a garden. You've really gotta pick the right plants for it. The previous owners of my house actually had dirt shipped in a replaced the clay stuff. Worked wonders!

  3. Ugh I didn't even THINK of that. Just today I was starting my landscaping plans. Heather, I need Kristin to review :-) Its really simple, I just need to figure out low-maintenance shrubs and what flowers grow well in this region without constant attention. Maybe I need to start searching for clay-loving species. Haha.

    Good thinking Mom, this is why we have you check our blog. Just don't tell me if we do something unfixable, k? Ignorance is bliss :-)

  4. OK. As you know, I had gorgeous plants in all of the houses we owned in KS. Clay is do-able but it takes a lot of added stuff. I used bags of sand and mixed in. Just a lot of work so I would go to one of the Wichita garden centers and enlist the help/advice of the owner or mgr. They'll know exactly what to do for your area. Also talk to your neighbors who garden (and that is always obvious :-)
