Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Framing - Day 1 (8-30-10)

The fun begins! Framing finally started on Monday. I'll probably be doing nightly updates as this part moves so fast!

Also, Here's a little sneak peak of our light fixtures we chose yesterday:

Check back tonight for more updates!


  1. To clarify a few things since I am sure some people don’t know what they are looking at:

    The first picture is a small storage room in the basement. It is below the pantry and laundry room upstairs.

    The second picture is window behind the bar (left side of photo) and door to the walkout patio (right side of photo.)

    The third photo is the walk-out patio, and on the far right is a portion of the basement bedroom.

    The fourth photo is the (enormous!) basement bedroom.

    The fifth photo is part of our driveway, and wood studs needed for more framing.

  2. I see a party deck forming...big enough for all of Brett's PBR.
